I'm sure most of you have heard about the school shooting today in New York; of course, our condolences and sympathies go out to the families of the injured and especially the dead. This is the latest in a rash of such violence, and I heard Bob Schieffer ask his audience whether
this headline was now the new norm; whether we should just expect those who most folks describe with the words "sick", "mentally ill", and "unbalanced" to routinely murder dozens of everyday citizens, even children, in one fell swoop.
Sadly, the answer is yes; as our country frantically flees everything resembling biblical morality, we can expect more and more of our inherent wickedness (not a blameless illness) to be set free to terrorize even the most vulnerable. This is the "norm" of human existence after the Fall in Eden; we are "
a fire, a world of unrighteousness... setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell." (Jam 3:6).
the best of things... |
Lastly, I am warmed by God's grace for us at a time like this: nationally, we are enthusiastic converts to the gospel of human innocence, preaching and proclaiming our goodness and worthiness and how much we deserve not just good things, but the best of things. But God, who is rich in mercy,
will not allow us to slumber in this deluded dreamland; His providence shakes us awake to the reality of our shocking potential to express the evil lurking within. We are not merely sick or confused; we do not need to have a sit-down with Dr. Phil. We are wretched to the core...
we must die and be reborn. Without this, the best we can expect is a hopeless drowsiness, a satanic abyss which awakens to the fire of divine judgment.
Photo courtesy of John H Wright
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