If only...right? |
It is the greatest joy to watch an endeavour bear fruit both
praiseworthy and good, something you have taken ownership of and
invested in at high personal cost, and then say "I wish I could take the
credit... but it's all God!" I believe this joy is only available
through the humility of an authentic grasp of the sovereignty of God and
the working of His Spirit in us to "will and to work His good pleasure"
(Php 2:13). Or to put it another way, only Calvinists know that "every
good gift and every perfect gift comes from above, from the Father of
We are so quick to take the credit, aren't we? The
only thing we do faster is shift the blame! Can you imagine the scene
in Eden if eating the fruit did what Eve thought it would? She would be
vindicated as humanity's first feminist, and she would have herself to
thank for it (with a shout-out on award night to the serpent!). But
instead, Eden is the prototypical horror story about what happens when
we presume to supplement God's wisdom, to esteem our own judgment above
His, and when we just want a little bit of the spotlight, darnit! And
that's exactly what a synergistic view of salvation does: God gets most
of the glory... He sent Jesus and all that, but when it came time to
walk down to the altar and pray the prayer (or insert your own desired
evangelical ritual), that was all me, man!
No, it really
wasn't; when God irresistibly calls His elect and they first exercise
the faith and repentance given to them, they really do choose God...
because He chose them first (1 Jn 4:10, 19). So everything of worth in
us, from conversion to glory, has its origin and empowerment from God,
and we just ride shotgun, where we occasionally get to pick the radio
Along with this tidbit, I also have a heartbreaking
episode to relate: we were headed home from
"Is the dark side stronger?" "I've got something strong in my diaper..." |
church a couple weeks ago,
and we had just finished reviewing my daughter's lesson. I had returned
my full attention to the road (who doesn't multitask?) when I heard
from the back seat: "Dad? Do you sin?" I don't think I had grappled
with my depravity yet that day (ignorance is bliss, right?), so her
question hit me hard: who doesn't want to be the virtuous paragon of
righteousness for their kids? Isn't it "quicker, easier, more
seductive" to set yourself up as their role model; that way, you get
the credit for their successes! But I gave my little darling the only
answer I could: "Yes honey, I sin... that's why I need Jesus. I need
to be forgiven for my sin, so I repent and believe that Jesus died for
me." That's the best we can do for our kids: tell them the truth that
the only answer to the conflagration of God's judgment is the
pressurized, fire-retardant foam of the grace of Jesus Christ. Luther
said to sin boldly, and a big chunk of his main idea was that only sinners
can be forgiven, while the self-righteous openly mock the idea they
need a Saviour (Mark 2:17). The most seasoned, mature saints
must affirm this...precisely the reason why they're mature! So sit
back on the first day of 2014, and relax in the fact that your moral
effort (and subsequent failure) has nothing to do with your standing
before God (Heb 4:10): Christ has done it all and gets all the credit.
Photos courtesy of Biblestuff, chaines106
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