I have greatly profited from the teaching of Paul Washer for many
years, and just today, I was flabbergasted by the incredible parallel he
drew to Christ from a famous O.T. figure. I have read of several
similar links made by the most insightful of the Puritans, but no one in
the last 200 years. He's started a
series in Ephesians, and he was
getting excited trying to communicate the vast quantity of blessings
implied in 1:3, the ones we have in Christ Jesus. Here's a rough
paraphrase of his thoughts...
Is this enough? |
"Imagine you're one of Joseph's
brothers during the famine, and your stomach is making noises you've
never heard before. You are sent to Egypt and are brought before the
lord of the granaries, who alone has access to all the grain you and
your family need to survive. You look at all the grandeur of His palace
and the dignity of his person, and you know you're not worthy to ask
him for a piece of bread, let alone grain for 70 people. But then the
facade is dropped, and you realize he's your brother who loves you and
desires to bless you. So here in Ephesians, we see the Anointed Saviour
of God, the Lord of all the treasuries of Heaven, and you're not worthy
to touch the hem of His garment... but then you are made to see that
He's your Brother, and all the good things of God, even the ones you
don't know exist, everything is yours in Jesus."
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