As a humorous intro, I
recently bought a new Kindle... it works great, and I should be able
to write more; if I can just stop accidentally deleting documents!
Most of you know how “funny“ that is; God‘s sanctification
comes in many ways.
So the
focus of this last installment of this series on our connection to
the apostles is necessary and must be continually refreshed in our
minds. Just as Rome errs in the direction of too much and wrongly
grounded authority, there is an equal and opposite mistake common to
many who call themselves Protestants. I've heard it called the
“just me and my Bible“ syndrome; the symptoms of this disorder
include: bouncing from church to church, establishing home churches
that stay pretty small (newcomers stay until they hear something they
dispute, and then leave to find a new one!), and an inability to
distinguish essential doctrinal truth from secondary issues
believers can agree to disagree on. These folks typically think that
the proper and necessary right of private interpretation gives them
license to fall off the other side of the log and shun/despise all
human religious authority. In the first post on this topic, I
mentioned that Rome bases their claim of papal supremacy on a
supposed connection to Peter as the first pope, so it‘s probably
best to start the correction of the aforementioned syndrome, and the
completion of our exploration of apostolic succession, with the
official title he gives himself in the ecclesiastical structure of
the 1st century...
“So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ...“ (1Pet 5:1)

Which leads to
a second point: whom did the apostles want to succeed them? “For
this cause, I left you in Crete, that you would set in order the
things that are lacking, and ordain elders in every city, as I
appointed you;“ (Tit 1:5). So if the chosen leader(s) to replace
apostles was/were not a single, preeminent papacy, but groups of
locally appointed elders, responsible only for their local
fellowship, who are we to argue and set up a central figurehead,
contrary to God‘s will (1 Sam 8:4)? (As a side note, if elders are
responsible for the souls of 100-200 people, and that‘s considered
a great charge and duty, consider the weight of judgment upon the
bishop of Rome, who claims watchcare over every Christian in the
If on the
other hand, like our modern-day religious anarchists, you have a
tendency to belittle the power and necessity of leadership, and think
yourself a sufficient judge of orthodoxy and truth, you think too
much of yourself (Rom 12:3): we are not called “sheep“ without
good reason! Outside the protective sheepfold of the Church, under
biblically qualified elders, we are exposed to the elements of error,
sin and apostasy. Left to our own devices, we quickly wander and
succumb to sin, the world, and the devil. This is such a dependable
constant in those who profess Christ that John equates departure from
the fellowship of believers with a departure from Christ (1 Jn 2:19).
As a divinely ordained counter, God gives every local body men to
lead it (Eph 4:11). With the responsibility of guiding the flock,
these “undershepherds“ are given the necessary authority to back
it up (Acts 20:28, Heb 13:17, 1 Pet 5:2-5; it would be ludicrous
otherwise!). So the standards for leadership in Christ‘s church are
high, as one would expect with the successors of the apostles, and
most do not meet them (myself foremost among them!). So in summary,
we could depict apostolic succession in church authority like this:
apostles wisely ensured Christ‘s church would be well taken care
of... thank God for your local shepherds. And while you‘re at it,
thank them too!
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